Back to School Vol. 1: RUCKSACK!

Hip Hip, Updates!  Here at Rainierisms we’re all about the next NEXT big thing — after all, the next big thing is already three steps behind of what’s ahead.  I see you doing GMAT-esque scrawlies on your notepad right now.  So here’s how we’re making your world more ubiquitous and smaller than ever — EVEREVER.

Hello Meebo:  Since I hope to be more of a harbinger of advice over the next few years, I’ve made this a little more interactive.  On the sidebar you’ll notice a handy little chatty thingydingy where you can ask questions, subtly berate, or all-out ream me based on what floats your boat at the time.

MGoBlog Feed: The Holy Grail of Michigan sports information and snark.  This feed will provide you with Brian’s recent observations, analysis, and voracity with veracity.

Now, onto the meat!

Ah, back to school time…everyone remembers from their 3rd grade days that, unless you have a Jansport or North Face backpack, you are a fashion outcast that doesn’t deserve the monkey bars.  I want to make this return to campus as painless as possible for you, because who knows what Division I field hockey player is waiting around the corner to steal your lunch money.

So, here’s a sampling of the hot bags I’d suggest for toting your lappy and extra business cards around…

Over The Shoulder: Timbuk2 Messenger Laptop

I’ve actually owned one of these since my freshman year of college and it’s an absolute workhorse.  Perfect for bicycle commuters, not so much if you’re one of those folks that  trolls about in a suit every day.  Reasonably priced, too.

5th-Grade Stylee: Ogio Metroid Backpack

Some people don’t appreciate the one-sided loading of a messenger bag and would prefer huuuuuge amounts of padding.  Enter Ogio:  fits your lappy and plenty of other goods.  Tough as nails, doesn’t look unsexy.  Lunch money is safe!

I Got a Full-Ride and Could Afford This: Bosca Horizontal Messenger

Don’t get me wrong; this is a hot(t) bag, a fiiine lookin’ sack!  On the other hand, $400 will buy you a lot of Ramen.  And you’re not gonna be throwin’ this one around while trying to bike around campus.  Save this one for when you’re Wall Streeting, Big Spender.  Only for full-riders.

2 Responses to Back to School Vol. 1: RUCKSACK!

  1. […] and preparation before starting at Yale. Strawberrtints celebrates getting financial aid. And Rainierisms even offers some fashion tips on different bags for back to school. But Let me wear a Suit. Please […]

  2. Blake says:

    Sweet!! Getting a new backpack/rucksack was always the most fun part about a new school year. 😀

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